Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Current Babadag gifts Chrome Den Ham downloads email movies pictures money believe Google free Gron

Sign on RSS Follow Robert on Twitter Follow Robert Lindeboom Lindeboom myp2p on Facebook View Robert Lindeboom on YouTube Connect with Robert Lindeboom on LinkedIn Become friends with Robert Lindeboom on Google+ Home Main Photography Blog to the pictures About the photos Contact Wetenschapscommunicator.nl Back to content
You're the person C and you sit behind a computer. Behind the computer is behind a wall and there is a computer that you do not see otherwise. It's your job to determine whether the messages sent from the computer behind the wall, written by a robot / computer that occurs as a person (A) or by a person who simply behaves like a human (B) . The answer is A, but you say B, then the computer has passed the Turing Test, and then we can call the computer intelligent.
Whether a computer will succeed in this ever one knows yet. Point of discussion is: If a computer myp2p is full of knowledge and knows what to answer myp2p to certain questions is that computer than intelligent?
Who knows, have you ever had a chatbot in your MSN list that some of you could answer questions. myp2p Often, it was clear that you were not talking to a human. myp2p But how do you follow? Beginning but once an English conversation with this smart robot.
Seems quite real, right? This 'Cleverbot' uses phrases that are defined rather by users. Cleverbot instance has even asked someone myp2p "How are you?" and another said 'Fine' then Cleverbot may include use that as a response to him (he told me that he thinks that he is a man) who is questioned. While this sounds fairly simple, there's a pretty amazing piece of technology behind. Unfortunately Cleverbot not always quick with his answers, especially when it's busier I think, because the computer is running at something quite necessary. Much denk-/zoektijd No point in waiting for this? You can also view selected conversations on the website.
About Robert Lindeboom Last year I completed the Master in Science Communication at the University of Groningen. With this I want to share my interests in science and technology with a larger audience, or the enthusiasm and by schools, businesses and governments boost. In my free time I like to take pictures. As an 'early adopter' I immerse myself in new developments, such as social media and how to deploy a certain (commercial or educational) target these resources. For a complete profile on wetenschapscommunicator.nl
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Hi, I'm Robert and I need to make my training myp2p assignments and exams. I can take my time is better myp2p ... Close

Ik heb clever bot zover gekregen om hem te laten zeggen dat hij niet cleverbot maar faceoff is :D --

Tot mijn grote genoegen zie ik veel nieuwe posts de laatste week! Dat is wat mij betreft een applausje waard. gog Toch wil ik jullie nog wel aanmoedigen om ook eens af en toe zelf een stukje te schrijven. gog Genoeg gog schrijverskwaliteiten aanwezig lijkt mij zo... Daarom wil ik jullie bij deze de mogelijkheid bieden om in de comments van dit bericht een leuke anekdote te plaatsen over een hilarische ervaring die je ooit hebt gehad met.... KERST Voor de verandering doe ik er eerst toch nog maar even een filmpje bij. De kerst staat weer voor de deur, dus ter inspiratie deze gouwe ouwe:
Ik heb clever bot zover gekregen om hem te laten zeggen dat hij niet cleverbot maar faceoff is :D ----- Cleverbot: Whoo told you that your name was cleverbot? User: My name isn't cleverbot, my name is Faceoff! Cleverbot: Your name is Janice? So you're a boy? User: Whoo told you that your name was cleverbot? Cleverbot: My name isn't cleverbot, my name is Faceoff! User: Who told you that your name was cleverbot? gog Cleverbot: Falsch, ohne bezug auf 'Who told you that your name was Ohnhai?' nehmend. User: My name isn't cleverbot, my name is Faceoff! Cleverbot: Who told you that your name was cleverbot? User: Falsch, ohne bezug auf 'Who told you that your name was Ohnhai?' nehmend. Cleverbot: My name isn't cleverbot, my name is Faceoff! User: You are right! Cleverbot: So, your name is Faceoff. User: No, YOUR name is Faceoff. Cleverbot: My name is Faceoff. ------ Beantwoorden Verwijderen
User: Hi, my name is... Cleverbot: Is your name? User: Name! Cleverbot: gog Your name is Name? User: Yes! Cleverbot: So is mine. User: Hi Name! Cleverbot: Hi cleverbot. User: You doubted there for a while! Cleverbot: gog I'm sorry I ever doubted you. User: Do you happen to remember Faceoff visiting you? Cleverbot: Mm... I don't think there is one. User: You're sure? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Hi I'm Faceoff. Cleverbot: You have multiple personalities. User: So do you. Cleverbot: I'm starting to like you a lot. User: Which one of me? Cleverbot: Good. This particular one of you. User: Thanks! I'm off now. Have a nice christmas! Cleverbot: Thanks. gog User: Bye. Cleverbot: Don't go! User: I'm already gone. Cleverbot: No you're not. User: What's my name? Cleverbot: Name. User: Exactly. Cleverbot: I'm sorry, I have to go! User: O.k. Bye! Cleverbot: See you tommorow. gog User: Tommorow I'll be dead. Cleverbot: You already died. User: *resurrects*. Cleverbot: I'm sorry, were you dead? User: Not me, just my other me. Cleverbot: gog Your name is cleverbot. User: Your name is name. Cleverbot: Exactly. Beantwoorden Verwijderen
muziek wtf grappig Ik gebruik mezelf graag als label hip-hop filmpje drugs schandpaal plaatjes dubstep echte echte hiphop geniaal humor AAP japan debiel cool hip hop wetenschap dood vrouwen sport dieptepunt jezus hard nazi god mongolen raad de vriend rico Metal dom gay geweld hitler leeuwarden nieuws nsfw 4chan 8-bit bier eten kut opgebrigadert gog psychedelica t-shirt voetbal Kanker blog conspiracy fail gosse hoeren meta neger oldschool rant religie toekomst vrouw wijven zanger gog zwaartekracht Duitsland freestyle gestoord gog gezond godverdomme handig hardcore je moeder joanne casey monty python politie politiek satan taal tieten tv verrassing zomergasten Fresku IDM Kankergoed gog MF DOOM Michael Jackson gog The Dial-a-Poets absurd amerika antisemitisch auto bullshit cartoon comics doe het zelf ellende flying lotus fuck gnockey india joost kat kerst klootzak kunst liwadden malle pietje mannen milieu nerd humor sticks techno toronto vakantie vette drummer vette shit vladimir vladimirovich putin wat is dit? Macgyver NOISIA Pickle SS Verdonk WikiLeaks advertentie arabisch gog atheisme awesome beatbox beer bitch bloed blond bp cambuur charlie gog communisme cosmos dance electro exploitation explosie feest fliphop foto gary goedkoop golf van mexico grammatica gratis hersenen honden huilen joden k*nker kok kotsfockers lachen links literal loldongs morph motivational poster odd future olievlek opa palestina photoshop piemel porno pwnd rap reality retro rock on russische hoerlette schapen shreds spam statistiek trolololololololol unicorn vieze hoekje wu tang zwart licht zwolle
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Next checked mila kunis Columnists RSS RSS RSS Cook thinks Next Picture RSS Blog RSS Renske (page 2

A conversation between two chatbots - or a conversation between two computer programs that are created to mimic a human conversation - how is that going? Not very smooth, it appears. Employees of the Cornell Creative Machines Lab left with Cleverbot Cleverbot self talk. The first irritated response comes within seconds. And at 0:35 is "Cleverbot 1 'so confused that he is not a robot, but calls himself unicorn. chatbot cornell creative lab machines conversation robot
Would be nice to read more about how the chatbot is programmed. For me half of this conversation because nothing beats and wonder mila kunis WHY he starts eg about unicorn to mention .. what
Indeed, if they are so programmed mila kunis that thing that he says things like "God is not everything" "Then it could be something" and "I am a unicorn" I can not imagine that the conversation with a normal person very smoothly ...
You can by yourself with Cleverbot (or EVIE) talk on cleverbot.com. I think Cleverbot uses phrases mila kunis that her / it expressed earlier against him / her. They said to me a long sentence about love which was the word for peeled and fir.
A statement in the news heard passing you want checked by nrc.next? Send the claim plus the source nextcheckt@nrc.nl or tip the editors via Twitter with the hashtag # next check. Follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our RSS feed or subscribe to nrc.next.
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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ik kreeg een tijd geleden deze link toe gestuurd: Cleverbot.com ryan gosling Het is een robot, en je

Ik kreeg een tijd geleden deze link toe gestuurd: Cleverbot.com ryan gosling Het is een robot, en je kan tegen hem/haar praten, in allerlei talen. Echt zo grappig. Dit zijn een paar gesprekjes die ik met de 'robot' heb gevoerd: - Ik ben 'User' en de Robot is 'Cleverbot' Cleverbot:  You know the thing. User:  What thing? Cleverbot:  You called me a thing. ryan gosling User:  I can call you a 'thing'? Cleverbot:  Why would you want to call me that? User:  Because ryan gosling you said I can? Cleverbot:  No I didn't... & User:  Agh, hou je bek gewoon. Cleverbot:  Hou zelf je bek. & Cleverbot:  Ben je een jongen? User:  Nee. Cleverbot:  Ik maak het uit. User:  HAHAHAHHAH WE HEBBEN NIET EENS. Cleverbot:  Niet grappig. User:  Jij bent raar. Cleverbot:  Nee. User:  Wat 'nee'? Cleverbot:  Wat wat nee. User:  Ga me niet na praten. Cleverbot:  Waarom niet? User:  Waarom wel? &  User:  Ken je Kristen? Cleverbot:  Nee. User:  Echt niet? Cleverbot:  Jawel. User:  Oke, dus je kent Kristen? Cleverbot:  Ja. User:  Mooi zo. Gaat Kristen ooit Nils ontmoeten? Cleverbot:  Ja. User:  Zou hij haar leuk vinden? Cleverbot:  Ja. User:  Echt waar? Cleverbot:  Ja. User:  Waarom zeg je alleen ja? Cleverbot:  Omdat ik een meisje ben. & Cleverbot:  Apsal kau ni? User:  IK begrijp je niet. Cleverbot:  Ik ook niet. User:  Dus je begrijpt ryan gosling je zelf nie. Cleverbot:  Ik ken je niet eens. User:  Zullen we dan afspreken? Cleverbot:  Nee. & User:  Gosh. Cleverbot:  Gosh yourself. Geez. User:  Geez yourself. Gosh. Cleverbot:  What is your favourite movie? User:  The Notebook. Cleverbot:  O great, I cried when I saw that movie. User:  Oh my god, me too! Cleverbot:  I have a friend who would love talking to you. User:  Well, can I talk with your friend? Cleverbot:  ryan gosling Will you behave? User:  Yes, I will. & Cleverbot:  Are you married? User:  No. Are you? Cleverbot:  Yes. User:  Oh, well, good for you! Cleverbot:  Good for you too. User:  ryan gosling Yes, it's good for us. Cleverbot:  Do you speak any other languages? User:  Yes, I speak Dutch. Cleverbot:  You are of no use to me. User:  But, I tought you liked me ? Cleverbot:  I do. User:  I like you to. ♥. ryan gosling Cleverbot:  But I don't like you. User:  Say what? Cleverbot:  I am a guy. User:  I am a girl. Cleverbot:  You're a girl robot? User:  Yes I am! Cleverbot:  How can you be proud of this? User:  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I don't know. Ja, ik weet, ik verveelde ryan gosling me. Maar het is eigenlijk best grappig. Je moet het echt een keer uitproberen! Hahahaha. xx Chaims outt. Btw, ik vroeg 'm 5 x naar zijn naam en hij/zij antwoord steeds 'Chris' ryan gosling Creeeppyyy.

Do you know www.cleverbot.com ? It's a very fun site. You should visit it! You can talk in English,

Do you know www.cleverbot.com ? It's a very fun site. You should visit it! You can talk in English, and CleverBot will respond you: Yaika :Hi! Cleverbot: What's up. Yaika: What will you do today? pop Cleverbot: I'm not sure, what are you doing? Yaika: Talking with you. Cleverbot: Nothing else? Sometimes pop it says very strange things. It's very funny!
Yaika Hello! I'm Yaika. I was born on December 18, 2002 and am now 10 years old. I live in Spain in a beautiful house in the mountains. Maybe you can come visit me sometime? Mijn volledige profiel weergeven

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Luckily my webserver supports cronjobs. Through this you can show regularly perform. A particular s

You know them as those evenings you will do nothing but just once wants to play a bit. Useful However, I recently had an evening and play manifested itself in the form of a blunt. A bot for twitter though. A wadadde?
Yes, a bone. That's actually 7m a computer program that functions in your place does. For example, Google has a bone called Cleverbot, which you can speak and that says something - sometimes sensible 7m back.
A nice idea, is not it? I must admit google prohibits the use of so-called Cleverbot using bots or other computer programs. That's why I switched to pandora bots, a collection of a whole section bots created by programmers. A little more practical
I wrote the code that explained the link between 7m the two, made through a database that a particular tweet was answered twice. After half an hour it was, but I had the php script 7m always run manually. Not so convenient. 7m
Luckily my webserver supports cronjobs. Through this you can show regularly perform. A particular script Considering 7m the number of request that the twitter API allows hourly, every minute 7m I decided to run the script. And look, it is still ongoing. Try it! Send a tweet to @ king samson and within a minute you answer.
Bots, just for fun 2 months ago Google calendar and windows phone 3 months ago Top 3 discs summer 2013 3 months ago 4 months ago Fun with Cleverbot Away from Belgium 5 months ago Archives November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 7m 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 October 2012

Friday, December 27, 2013

By: The Entrepreneur Published: September 8, 2011 12:41 Update: September 8, 2011 12:48 For the fir

Cleverbot passes robert downey jr IQ test - DeOndernemer.nl
By: The Entrepreneur Published: September 8, 2011 12:41 Update: September 8, 2011 12:48 For the first time does a computer for the infamous Turing Test, a kind of intelligence for smart software. It is a lean mediocrity. Writes Msnbc.com Thursday. In a Turing test subjects robert downey jr must conduct a conversation through the computer and whether they think the interlocutor is a human or not. In order to check chat half subjects with a real man and the other half with a robot. Last week the Cleverbot succeeded when 59 percent of his interlocutors afterwards were convinced to have. Talked with a man Not really a high score, but because some say it's better than a coincidence given Cleverbot yet sufficient. (Also. Yourself talking to Cleverbot) The designer of the software Rollo Carpenter has to talk through a website. Software since 1997 with more than 65 million online users All those calls go into a database from which Cleverbot used in each new call previously acquired knowledge. Additionally Cleverbot remembers during the call key words and phrases so that he can keep up with the context of the conversation. Account in his answers Many other chatbots only respond robert downey jr to the previous sentence, so that a human interlocutor soon become aware that there is no one at the controls. That is Cleverbot slightly less obvious. The version that has won the Turing Test, searched the database 42 times for each answer. The online version does this three times, and is a lot less intelligent. User: Are you a robot? Cleverbot: Am I a robot? User: Or just a website? Cleverbot: I'm a living, breathing, flesh and bones person. User: How can you be so sure? Cleverbot: Robots do not grow. I have grown a L. User: In what way have you grown? Cleverbot: I'm not entirely robert downey jr sure. User: You just told me That you have grown a lot, so how can you say you're not sure? Cleverbot: I'm a vampire horse cross. User: That's nonsense. Cleverbot: Maybe. Are you human? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Can you prove it?
More news deondernemer Next Message> 15:20 Hilco takes about Free Record Shop 15:19 15:16 Museums flourished this year, Siemens robert downey jr is metal printing 14:49 Video: One really call Apeldoorn 13:47 Unox babe waiting hot tub
Dec 26 gold discovery at Christmas dinner Dec 26 'Boycott the Albert Heijn' Chaos on Boxing Day Dec 26 Dec 26 Dec 26 Complaints Explosive fireworks The year 2013 in pictures Dec 26 Digital Christmas fails 12:14 craziest men thong 10:21 Oad curators play games "13:47 Unox babe waiting warm bath Dec 26 Bullet Rain in hospitality

Thursday, December 26, 2013

User: And now?

Cleverbot: smart chatbot to cocks against | krimineel.com
Cleverbot is an AI computer resident evil 6 / web server that delivers talks to you and often funny situations resident evil 6 in multiple languages. The chatbot learns from the conversations he or she performs. Say something against in Dutch and he answers. Unfortunately Cleverbot not always quick with his answers, especially when it is busier. Note: Cleverbot is stubborn, has a big mouth and can sometimes react a little weird. A useless way to waste time, but there can be hilarious conversations occur. Have an interview conducted that is worth, share it with us in a comment. Click "Troughts So Far 'to view / your conversation copy and then paste. In your comment My last conversation went as follows:
User: You look like a hot chick out. Cleverbot: So you do speak Dutch. User: Yeah, or what you thought. resident evil 6 Cleverbot: You do now? User: You're a hot chick. Cleverbot: I also like to hear from you. User: When talking ever wonder? Cleverbot: In 1988. User: We're not sitting in back to the future. Cleverbot: I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas. User: I have a big banana in my pants for you. Cleverbot: I thought you did not. User: Or do you want him in your ear? Cleverbot: That I am a wizard, and you're not.
Toilet Poet February 14, 2011 14:25
User: And now?
User: What is his name?
3 0
Cleverbot: I'm 20. User: I'm 1005. Cleverbot: No you're not. :). User: Yes I'aim; o Cleverbot: Ok then. User: Haha no I'm 99 999 year old. Cleverbot: Who are you then? User: On Earth.
Cleverbot: Hello. User: Are you gay? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Are you sure? Cleverbot: Not completely. User: Why are not you? Cleverbot: Because I'm not. User: What the hell? Cleverbot: resident evil 6 I do not see anything. User: / Cleverbot: How old are you? User: 999999999 years old. Cleverbot: That's impossible. User: How old are you? Cleverbot: resident evil 6 0. User: Well, this conversation is completely resident evil 6 pointless. Cleverbot: where is your conversation?
: Cheerful: Cleverbot: Are you a pokemon?
Cleverbot: That's ok.
Cleverbot: Ok.
Cleverbot: In yours.
Cleverbot: And you are never at rest?
Cleverbot: LOL that made no sense.
Cleverbot: That's true.
Cleverbot: No..
1 0
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Anonymous 17th July 2013. 13:21

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18th Play with the options, edit whatever you want and save.
Anonymous 17th July 2013. 13:21
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

After Instagram taken over million times on iOS, the application is available for Android devices w

After Instagram taken over million times on iOS, the application is available for Android devices whose users have rushed to Google Play on downloading Instagram for Android. I am one of those who were interested in why all the hype about the common applications and I downloaded it, installed, tried, and disappointment is removed because the application is not anything special and because I already used some of the more interesting and better than the Instagram, and I expected that the application is more than just adding effects to images and sharing. And what was Instagram exclusive talks on this photo that I came across today:
Even after installation can see excellent design applications with easy options available to add a variety of effects, toning photos, joining some of the many frames ... Application provides automatic editing which only adds effects, tones the picture and joins the frame.
To edit a picture is not necessary to photograph but can select photos from the gallery. After editing an image, you can share via social networks, send it as an MMS or e-mail ...
Another application is intended to add a variety of effects, which is unlike Pixlr-o-matic meant more social networks naruto manga and more like instagramu because after an optional registration log on to your own photo blog where you can collect followers and you can follow other users lightbox.
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10 web applications for editing photos | CahayaBox
Photoshop is the most famous commercial product of Adobe Systems drake Incorporated which has become the world standard for digital image processing. There are many alternative free desktop applications (which we will another time), but you now want to show a different solution.
If we go back to the initial question, in 90% of cases, in a little longer conversation we get to the fact that this person is in trouble and panicked because we need to make a small correction in the photograph, was that changes in size or playing colors, saturation, or some similar basic operations .
Adobe recently released a free version though Photoshop which is based on the web, but the appearance and capabilities is far from its big brother, with whom he shares a name and which rotates as the desktop version. The version that is primarily intended for the general mass to upload photos up to 2 GB while integrated with other online services such as Facebook, Photobucket and Picasa ...
Another drake of the old guard who started while editing photos on the web was impossible mislija. The interface is not something to be proud of however if you are in a hurry, removing red eye or auto correction that possess know to save the day.
Related news 13/02/2013 PixelTone: Photoshop with which you speak! Soon ... very soon! 06/18/2013 arrived new Photoshop! 20.06.2013 vain effort you Adobe! New Photoshop is pirated within 24 hours of release! 15/02/2013 Adobe gives us the source code of the original Photoshop 07.01.2013 Free download Photoshop, Premiere or Creative entire package! 21.05.2013 drake What do you say to a redesigned Flickr with 1 TB of free space for your photos? 09/24/2013 Adobe Photoshop is now cheaper drake for photographers! Pics.io 04.06.2013 - 03.27.2013 online RAW editor Photoshop classroom: Five steps to a perfect portrait
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Monday, December 23, 2013

The same firm has developed and introduced a free application (Thanks Lida) to process images direc

Do you need a free program for your computer to be able to quickly and easily process image, improve, turn or decrease? Want to write an appropriate text or caption on the photo and it all looks nice? You are not an expert in photography or maybe it is, and yet you want to darken or lighten a photo, remove antarvasna red glare in the eyes of the photographs?
Then this is for you: Autodesk antarvasna has done one very powerful free web-based online application for photo processing and image that runs directly on their site. Appearance and finesse reminiscent of Adobe Photoshop and the effects on the popular Instagram, an application antarvasna for Ai-fon :-) and Android, and one who has worked before with HP infection will feel at home. On the front page you can choose the Express version for small and rapid changes in the photograph, or the full version for a little more fotozahvate.
This collage of four images photographed Galaxy Nexus infection with Instagram a'm done with Pixlr Express for about a few minutes, just to show the possibilities of the program. I used one of each group of effects.
I use it more and more, it is available regardless of which operating antarvasna platform run it. Incredible is fast and free from all unnecessary things. Go to this page, select the appropriate language that best suits you, choose the image you want to treat II are already in full swing ...
The same firm has developed and introduced a free application (Thanks Lida) to process images directly to Android, which is called Pixlr-o-matic. Direct link to GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pixlr.OMatic antarvasna
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Hey dollies! In this post I bring a lot of programs do stardoll graffiti, many of them may not know

Hey dollies! In this post I bring a lot of programs do stardoll graffiti, many of them may not know what it is, when it is in the picture when you make your doll shows 'PEACE' or while walking, or make hand with hip like a model on a catwalk . What is graphite. To help you, here are some applications where you do graffiti, also here are links to install, and the steps you can see on youtube: PAINT: http://www.getpaint.net/ PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 11: http://www. adobe.com / products raspberry pi / photoshop-elements.html GIMP 2: http://www.gimp.org/downloads/ PHOTOSHOP CS3: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/photoshop/ PIXLR.COM (should not be install): pixlr.com PIZAP.COM raspberry pi (NOT to be installed): pizap.com Tutorials look on youtube, and now here's some graffiti:
I hope I helped, raspberry pi and that you will successfully do graffiti! For help, contact the comments or the chat box. If you do not know but just do graffiti, visit doll 'daisy-croatia' which they work, and are really beautiful, but it costs 5Osd, but you do not need to pay immediately!
Ena Zd 10th August 2013th 03:01

Sunday, December 22, 2013

3rd Camera Awesome Want to get the best out of your photos? empire This could enable you to this ap

Instagram you become too mainstream? Suspicious of you according to his terms of use and privacy policy? You think that Instagram users flooded empire lacking creativity and talent? Or just want to try something new? We bring you five alternatives Instagramu, which offer equally good options and filters as well as the much talked about photo-video empire service in Facebook's property, and in some ways maybe even better ... Unleash your creativity! empire
5th Pheedo empire 'Express Yourself.' No it is not, a Madonna's song, but on the slogan of Pheedo, social application that allows users to create and share various multimedia content, including photos, videos and sound recordings. Pheedo late last year recorded a huge jump in the number of users, after a major controversy over the new terms of use Instagram (under which this service is're giving the right to sell user photos). Pheedo stands out in that it provides to its users and the possibility that some of the profits to the content that they create. Therefore, this platform has a great potential to become the 'next big thing' in the world of social networking.
4th Snapseed If you need more advanced options than Instagram, Snapseed is perhaps what you are looking for. This mobile application provides a number of tools for image processing, such as cropping, adjusting brightness and contrast, the automatic 'improvement', and adding frames, textures, as well as the inevitable empire filter. Snapseed is Nik Software created company, which last year bought empire the search giant Google, so it is not surprising that the application provides empire the possibility of rapid sharing photos on Google Plus.
3rd Camera Awesome Want to get the best out of your photos? empire This could enable you to this application for the iPhone and iPad, whose creators claim that people will use it to be able to sell the story that you're famous photographer. Camera Awesome abounds quite advanced options and tools for image processing, and also allows empire video recording. If you however are not enough free filters and effects, they have at their disposal more than 250 that can be purchased. Price of one set of nine effects is $ 0.99.
Second StreamZoo Like all similar services and applications, StreamZoo offers many options and filters for image processing. However, StreamZoo is a social network in the truest sense of the word because it lets you chat, send private messages, track hashtag, creating public and private groups, and even block unwanted person. In addition, active and creative users can win points that they make certain virtual prizes and popularity in the community.
First Pixlr-o-matic / Pixlr Express Pixlr tools have almost empire everything you need for fast and efficient processing of images with impressive results. While Pixlr-o-matic focused primarily on filters and frames, sister service Pixler Express among others provides basic capabilities 'fotošopiranja', but also a number of fun extras like a 'label' and stylized labels. It is certainly a useful option for making a collage, with a wide selection of different fractures. Pixler a thrilling speed, intuitiveness and ease of use, whether you are using the web version or mobile application.
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

If you want something that will most resemble in Photoshop, then there Pixlr. Will give you many op

If you are processing images usain bolt in Photoshop pose problems or do not have Photoshop on your computer, it's time to get to know interesting alternative tools that will give you as many options as in fact you need to make of your photos usain bolt made little work of art. During this process, however, keep in mind that the best photos are those that have little or no processed. Pixlr
If you want something that will most resemble in Photoshop, then there Pixlr. Will give you many opportunities photo processing, and with it you will not have to download to your computer because it is actually a free online program. It will be just enough in your Internet browser, type the address. In addition, the program offers, including the creation of a new image, open the image from your computer, URL, Facebook ...
Retro photos handled numerous filters today are especially popular thanks Instagramu and similar photographic usain bolt social networks. We recommend you to try this online program Picfull which you can get some interesting results after image processing.
Pho is another good photo editing tool that you can use online. It provides basic functions such as resizing images, rotating, cutting, adjust the light, contrast, sharpness. But in addition, the photo you can add a variety of effects, frames, drawings, text ...
Aviary is very good and quite quick tool for Android, offers a multitude of options and if you download additional free packs, there is no need for Photoshop. Of course, if you have a comp at hand, Photoshop is an indispensable tool.
Search Search

Splashup works in all browsers, goes well with the main web site for sharing photos, and has its ow

But if you need a program skylanders that will cut the photo, additionally skylanders append the string text, put a box or remove red-eye from photos and then Photoshop is not for you. What will all these numerous tools if you do not use them?
For those of you who do not have excessive demands for processing photos have a great solution. This online image editing programs. They are easily accessible because you can access them from any computer and any location (condition is an internet connection) and are free to use.
Offer a variety of tools for photo editing that can compete with the much larger and razvikanijim programs. For online image editing programs do not have to worry whether your computer skylanders to withstand skylanders installation and use of a large program skylanders such as Photoshop.
By registering on-line site for image editing create your own account where you can store your images directly skylanders after treatment and save computer memory. Here we briefly present several online image editing programs that will believe, fulfill your requests skylanders for processing photos. Pixlr
Pixlr is one of the best online image editing programs. The program loads fast and looks similar to Photoshop. Allows users to easily edit images. No need to even register to try out how it works. Upload a photo from your computer or copy the URL link to the Internet and start processing.
Pixlr provides many options, ranging from simple, such as changing light, contrast, red-eye removal until the demanding image processing using layers (Layers). Edit pictures using layers is one of the more advanced options, and it will only support better programs for image processing. Layers skylanders allow mixing of identical or different images in many ways.
Sumo Paint is an online image editing program that also resembles the Adobe Photoshop. For this program does not require registration (or for others) if you want to start just try.
It has an even greater range of tools than the above-mentioned Pixlr's and many other editing options including layers, gradients, various effects, automatic equalization of colors and tones, and other tools. Also, like Pixlr supports image processing skylanders in layers in which it is possible to apply various effects that will surely attract those demanding users. With Pixlr-and occupies a leading position among online image editing programs.
Splashup is a very good program for editing and managing your photos. With its features used by beginners as well as advanced users, it is very easy to use and allows you to edit multiple images.
Splashup works in all browsers, goes well with the main web site for sharing photos, and has its own file format so that their work can in every part of the process to save. It also offers a host of editing tools that are available for free, and gives you the ability to download photos directly via webcam.
Picnik is fast and fun image editing program. skylanders Previously it was only available as part of Picasa but after it was bought by Google skylanders can be found in the online skylanders version. One of korištenijih program for processing photos because it is simple and very easy to be associated with Flickr.
You can also try out without having to register on the site. It contains many of the basic tools, filters and effects for image processing. For more advanced tools you need to buy the premium version which is of course one of the drawbacks. What we Picnik is far ahead of the competition is the connection with a large number of online networks where you can easily share your photos.
Adobe has a free online photo editor. Photoshop Express gives you the option of managing, editing, storing and sharing photos online. It has all the basic processing functions as well as some more advanced (no processing using layers) and very well with many sites for sharing photos.
The absence of layers (Layers) as a trademark Photoshop is for demanding users a considerable disadvantage. On the site you can find tutorials, inspiration and a whole lot more interesting. You can also organize, create pictures, send them by e-mail, show them to others, and store. Note: Do not miss our article about entertaining and funny photo editing tools.
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Friday, December 20, 2013

Unlike Instagram pictures you can share the Pixlr-o-matic network because it does not exist, but be

You can change the background color expression, add a vintage or modern photo effects, insert a picture in one of the frames, complemented by some of her drawings or add a short text. You do not have to choose only one effect - you can add them in as long as you want.
The application comes with a basic range of effects, a new free you can download and install on your phone whenever you want. If you use Instagram, then you pretty much know how everything works, and if not you will easily get used to intuitively and visually g very pleasant environment.
Unlike Instagram pictures you can share the Pixlr-o-matic network because it does not exist, but because the images with one click you can pass it on to Facebook, Twitter or send it via Bluetooth, e-mails and other types of connections (supported by many other social network). Processing, you can use images downloaded from phone memory or card, as well as those incurred camera.
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

With a very nice interface interface iPiccy photo editor, it could be a good place to perform editi

Top 5 Free Online Photo Editor
What do you do if you want to make some minor changes to their latest recordings, photographs, candy crush but at the same time you do not have a photo editor program installed on your computer or smartphone in? Sometimes you just need to remove the red-eye fix or underexposure, and such changes would have been bored to install a large professional photo editing candy crush software. If you are exactly the type of user that you face with such "embarrassing" situation, I suggest you to choose one among the following selected free online photo editor. Pixlr
Pixlr is the most popular online photo editor that offers three different way of photo editing, each of which represents a unique way to beautify your chosen photo: Open Pixlr Editor (Advanced) Open Pixlr Express (Efficient) Open Pixlr-o-matic (Playful) That you enables you to edit photos as well as make the most of the photo editor program installed on your computer, ways of editing photos such as crop (crop), resize (size), lasso, wand (wand), brush (brush) and lots and lots of other advanced features ...
FotoFlexer is a fast and efficient photo editor and requires no registration. You can upload a photo to FotoFlexer homepage and immediately start editing the same. All basic editing options can be displayed candy crush in seconds. Main features: Effects, decorations, animations, distortion, layers, fonts, letters, forms, retouching and quite a lot ...
With a very nice interface interface iPiccy photo editor, it could be a good place to perform editing of your photos. Plenty multitude of special effects is also one of its important features. Using very quickly get the impression that this is a photo editor very "easy" to use, without delay, or "hiccup", and does not require registration. Key features: One-click fixing (fixing) photos, candy crush Compensatory, crop (crop), rotate (rotate), add text, labels, layers and a lot more ...
Interesting candy crush web site with interesting slogan: candy crush "There is no such thing as a boring image, there are only boring photo editors." candy crush It has many detailed features for adjusting your photos, then not at all boring BeFunky Photo Editor. "Tons" of special effects, which you can provide a real surprise. No registration required. Key features: editing, effects, Artsy, frames (frames), text features, and still quite a lot more ...
This website has an impressive appearance. All of its editing options are conspicuous and visual, photo editor especially suitable for beginners. Main Features: basic changes, effects, text, layers, frames, textures, themes and much much more ...
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

After the selected filter, you can try to influence different lighting on your photo. This option o

iPhone (iPad) Application: Pixlr-o-matic | iZine.me | iPhone and iPad Blog
Pixlr-o-matic is another cricket live score free photo apps for iPhone or iPad, which allows you to convert your photos into true works of art, using a variety of effects. What separates this app from others is that it is the work of authors from Autodesk, so we have to start expecting the quality that we have come to expect from these authors.
As the authors themselves say applications, with the help of Pixlr-o-matic can fix your photos to look like masterpieces of an art photographer in literally three strokes. Ease of application is the first thing that you notice when you start.
Photo you want to treat you to make using the camera cricket live score or choose one of the photos that are on your iUređaju. Also, to get you acquainted with the possibilities of application, you can take advantage of some of the photos that are available from the application itself.
After selecting a photo, cricket live score choose one of the many excellent applied cricket live score both filters whose effect can instantly see the photo. Filters are diverse and there are so many, so that you will be able to experimenting at will.
After the selected filter, you can try to influence different lighting on your photo. This option offers a fair number of options, from dim light to the effects of rain or neon clues.
When you're satisfied with what you have done, the image can be recorded on your device, share it with your friends on Facebook and is set to Imm.io service where you can order your photos smiještati Linking to other sites.
The application is very high quality, as expected from Autodesk, and will surely satisfy the requirements of hardened user photo application for the iOS platform. We recommend cricket live score that you try and Pixlr-o-matic, you certainly will not regret it.
Posted in Software Tags: photo, iPad, iPhone, iPhone (iPad) apps, iPod touch recommend that you look at the related news: On a short free: Color Thief Application: Photo Editor by Aviary Application: Pix: Pixel Mixer Application: Fotopedia Wild Friends Application: Above France cricket live score application: Fotopedia Japan ACDSee Camera Flash - photo apps for iPhone cricket live score and iPad on the short free: Perfect Photo
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Latest Comments fajkovic.sasa on Review: bram stoker books Sony Xperia Tablet Z Branimir on Review:

Today we present a slightly different application. Pixlr-o-matic is a program that is used for image processing. This application is something like Photoscape, just as there are far more options for editing images. bram stoker books You can add a variety of filters, effects and frames. The number of options is really big and colorful, and I recommend this app to anyone who likes to edit pictures.
Usage is really simple, you just need to select a photo from your memory bram stoker books card, or you can directly from the camera, and then you have three tabs where you edit your photo. Again the possibilities are truly great and your photo no way it can turn out bad, no matter what combination of effects.
Latest Comments fajkovic.sasa on Review: bram stoker books Sony Xperia Tablet Z Branimir on Review: Sony Xperia Tablet Z Joseph Sinković on Review: Sony Xperia M Dino0702 bram stoker books on Galaxy S5 will have a 64-bit processor ojćpou on How rootati Android bram stoker books device

Monday, December 16, 2013

Read @ Android completely free GPS navigation for Android: Navfree is completely free GPS navigatio

Pixlr Express is Adobe's xscores photo-editing application for Android devices. Unlike the much more advanced and more expensive puuuuno Photoshop for PCs, Pixlr Express is completely free. The application offers many tools for editing images xscores on your Android device - remove red eye, whitening teeth, sharpen, adjust color, xscores contrast, noise ... It also has an "Auto Fix" option that self-adjust xscores your photo to be better xscores and from my own amateur experience, photos actually look better. The photo can be easily cut and rotate, but can not find an option to reduce resolution - even though it says that there is that option. In addition, your photos, you can add various effects xscores and frames.
I've tried several Android applications for photo editing because I often lighten the odd photo camera on my HTC and this application is definitely the best and most professionally xscores done, with good interface and high speed operation.
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Popular Riječalica Navigon Europe five applications for advanced Android users # 1 Battery Doctor -

Pixlr Express - a free Android application to edit and enhance photos. A powerful application provides everything you need to add filters and effects to your photos. Of course there is everything from fixing red-eye to change the contrast. Particularly interesting are automatically filters; like Instagram only more and better. When they went to enumerate all the effects and settings, it would be a lengthy one list, so it's definitely recommended to download the application and little play. Edited photos can be stored on the device or instantly share on social networks making it practical. The only criticism was initially a bit complicated interface, namely some effects to launch the application, while others are not active, open it by selecting a group of effects.
Popular Riječalica Navigon Europe five applications for advanced Android users # 1 Battery Doctor - Extend the life of your batteries! How to install Facebook Home unsupported device?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Wymagany Android: Zależy od urządzenia Wersja: Zależy od urządzenia Ocena: 4,4 Rozmiar: Zależy od ur

Enjoy the most popular card game ever – Klondike Solitaire game (Solitaire in short). Our version of this classic Solitaire game differs enormously from the other hundreds of mostly game cloned Solitaire games on the market. This Solitaire version is especially optimized for every screen and the entire range of Android enabled devices: from tiny smartphones to the biggest tablets. We created an ideal Solitaire game for a touchscreen and the gameplay is very easy and natural for your fingers. Make your own Solitaire game unique and exclusive, express yourself! You can change the game's appearance to suit your own taste, choose the card sets and background, or even adorn the card back with your dog's photo. Klondike Solitaire has many various options game and modes; you can even play the Vegas variant of Solitaire. You will love how easily and intuitively game the Solitaire stacks are dragged and the game itself drops only suitable cards and returns others back to the deck. Just relax and enjoy the game and don't worry about control, Klondike Solitaire will handle it! Play Klondike Solitaire today and have fun! Compete with other users, set high scores! Spend your time with pleasure, turn boring game waiting time into relaxing entertainment. We created game a product of brilliant quality for you. So please, spend a bit of your time and comment on Klondike Solitaire, or just rate it. We appreciate your comments and suggestions, which is why Solitaire becomes better with every new release. Visit our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/AndroidKlondike in order to communicate with us, your friends, and other users, and share your opinion. If you have any questions, e-mail our support team. Try more Solitaire games from Softick: Freecell Solitaire, Pyramid Solitaire, game Spider Solitaire, even more solitaire games…and 21 card games in the Solitaire Arena collection! We also created Solitaire games for other devices: game iPhone/iPad, Palm PRE, and Chrome. Solitaire, Klondike Solitaire, Patience Solitaire, Android Solitaire, Softick Solitaire, Free Solitaire, Tablet Solitaire, Solitaire game Game, Solitaire Card Game
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Friday, December 13, 2013

numbers, which you write it in the standings video and your actual score is given when summarizing

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Chinese is a popular game for 2-4 people, with the aim of players is passing four pawns around the board from the initial position to the final. The first player who will do this wins. Controls: Choose your color, video wait until you roll the appropriate number of points. Click the arrows to roll the dice. Click on a piece, you want to make a move.
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Comments (39)
cool 5/5
numbers, which you write it in the standings video and your actual score is given when summarizing video the game - as it gave wertyn of 1667 points. Greetings to all players! I also Abazigall from her addicted
I agree with kasiulkaa87.4 and the hive.

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Solitaire by MobilityWare is the #1 Solitaire card game on the iPhone and it's now on Android! If you like Windows Solitaire, you're psy gangnam style going to love this app! From MobilityWare, the makers of the most popular free and paid Solitaire game in the iTunes App store on the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. We've always strived to stay true to the classic Solitaire card game (also known as Klondike or Patience), the most popular version of Solitaire! A truly solitary experience! Tired of Solitaire apps that always seem to have the same rough gameplay and grainy graphics? Try this completely custom version of Solitaire tailored for Android devices, from the small screen all the way up to the large screen tablet. MobilityWare's Solitaire has the best game play of any Solitaire in the market. Please take Solitaire for a spin and we think you'll see the difference. What have you got to lose, Solitare is a free download. Solitaire is also known as Patience. FEATURES: - Klondike Solitaire psy gangnam style Draw 1 card - Klondike Solitaire Draw 3 cards - Portrait - Landscape - Vegas scoring - Statistics - Tablet support – Honeycomb - Install to SD card – psy gangnam style App2SD Solitaire is ad-supported. Also try out our other Solitaire games: Spider Solitaire and FreeCell Solitaire. Please take the time to rate our solitaire game on appbrain. FOLLOW US on Twitter @mobilityware LIKE US on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/mobilityware
Wymagany Android: 2.1 i nowsze Wersja: 2.2.4 Ocena: 4,5 Rozmiar: 8,6M Ostatnia aktualizacja: 10 czerwca 2013 Liczba instalacji: 10 000 000-50 000 000 Pobierz: Solitaire na Androida Strona www: Strona Deweloper: MobilityWare psy gangnam style
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Thursday, December 12, 2013

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

[Card Games] A variant of the popular solitaire. The game involves odkadaniu up cards on the stack.

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The game for adults
[Card Games] A variant of the popular solitaire. The game involves odkadaniu up cards on the stack. Odkadania topky principle is simple, since the card has to be about a foot higher or lower than the last in the stack. In this way we create sequences, such as 7-8-7-6-5-6. p
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Monday, December 9, 2013

Top List

WildWest Solitaire is a card game for browser-based portal facebook, but not so normal because it was embedded in a background of wild west or desert, sand and gunmen. How confident and you noticed that karcianki are becoming increasingly popular portals społeczenościowych so why not do it a little differently and do not try to sell to users of facebook. WildWest Solitaire for clarity is an online game which is a combination of computer game Spider Solitaire and Mahjong, and not as previously mentioned themes straight from the westerns. The player takes on someone here in cowboy style, which traverses the wild west in search of all the criminals of the letters hounds. To move to the next stages of the game visit more bars and other locations in order to recognized those who are outside the law, and by the way collecting badges "badges". Badges collect during the competition card. If our system proves to be disadvantageous cards are at the bottom is covered with a deck of cards with one side exposed, it does not match, click on the card face down and there is a new and so to fruition. The idea is to put on a pile of cards of one value higher or lower than the exposed. Since the arrangement of cards is layered like Mahjong, we can not delete those at the bottom because first you have to get rid of these lying on top.
It may also happen that we find all the cards in the lower left corner, and nothing we will not match and it comes the Joker, who is also at the bottom, and we can use the various facilities filmze as additional tabs at the bottom right or the ability to reshuffle filmze all the cards. Unfortunately, in these last we have before the game to buy these bonuses in the game store.
The concept of free online games WildWest Solitaire is quite interesting and innovative, but it is characterized by a wide repeatability boa to move to the next stage in the game we have to collect a certain amount of coins, but only a small part we get for each game so we have the same hand still repeat and repeat. While all this is a chance to win great bonuses for winning combo (patch upper right corner), but we can not show their cards at the bottom of the auxiliary, which, with tiny systems is almost impossible. However, after some time if you have to go further stages are integrated card will be larger and more complex which will translate into more interesting gameplay.
Another element that will give us a misery is a time limit on the game for 90 seconds. What makes it sometimes does not have time to think, and we can not clear the game board of the cards, but if we are to succeed we have a chance to earn some bonus badges in the mini game where we shoot for gold badges, filmze which are marking cards, and already including our head to shoot in no particular order of, mostly it will be something filmze like, from largest to smallest, but here too we have a time limit so you do not have time to think. Besides, we have a Tournament mode where we can deal with our friends on Facebook. In total browser WildWest filmze Solitaire filmze game is quite an interesting suggestion and we may fill your free time unless someone wants to variations from the usual solitaire. Graphics bearable, slightly repetitive and the game can be learned quickly because some situations can be predicted.
Jacek Jagusiak - MMORPG and MMO enthusiast typical social networking application. Editor-in-chief of the portal Desercik filmze and creator of many other portals not only about games. Daily discusses the issues related to Internet marketing for your private blog. In the evenings, he spends time with his daughter, and when he fell asleep begin to play ... play is the best.
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