Sunday, June 1, 2014

Apple juice normalizes cholesterol in just 6 weeks daily glass of apple juice - excellent means of

Apple juice normalizes cholesterol in just 6 weeks daily glass of apple juice - excellent means of preventing heart disease. American scientists on this, so the method can significantly lower cholesterol in the blood, and with it - and the risk of atherosclerosis. That apples and apple juice are good for health, of course, is not news. Terms surprised that required for the manifestation of positive effects: significant progress has been achieved in just six weeks. Battery News Microsoft will not go to ECTS, and Xbox will Slide Following the announcement of the refuse participation in the exhibition ECTS this year, Microsoft released the first details of his plan demonstrate the new Xbox console in Europe. amor It happens 2 and 3 October. Place of action so far kept secret. According amor to the company, those who will attend the presentation, will play on the new console. Given that Sony is planning to arrange instead ECTS music festival, and Nintendo - to organize their own show, which, in theory, would be a direct alternative exhibition begins impression that ECTS this year will turn out to be extremely boring and ordinary event. Let's see whether this will actually. Revenues in the state budget contains amor a very inconspicuous item: receipts from fines Nothing to do with taxes and fees this budget item has not. Sometimes it reaches 2% - enough, for example, amor during the year to fund all cultural institutions. Thus, numerous supervisory bodies receive secret plan fines. Sometimes it happens that the controllers amor in the execution of orders superiors simply "peel" or their innocent amor compatriots. This was dealt with at the seminar "On the relations of economic entities with state regulatory authorities", which was held this week. In Belarus, 10 main control bodies that oversee it for business entities. They do not always act within their competence. In respect of such organizations rule: "that is not prohibited by law, it is permissible to" act should not, but that they are guided by tax inspectors, dyarzhkantrolevtsy, police officers, as well as many other controllers. Legal Adviser of the International Finance Corporation Valery Fadeev cites examples where supervisors simply went too far. VF: - Traffic police in connection with the fact that there were some problems in the organization of movement near the big car market, an order that closed this market. This is a clear violation, since the traffic police monitors the implementation of rules of the road, but has no right to close the plant. There were other cases, such as when an individual entrepreneur carried injunction, saying that there is no alarm, and this contributes to the commission of the offense. I even joked about it: you can come and write that you have value and this contributes to the commission of the offense. Or you can make the same requirements to all car owners. Many alarm - and this contributes to crime. Nevtaymovnasts controllers can be explained not only by ignorance of the laws and limits of their authority. In the state there is a secret plan for penalties: on the revenue side of the budget is usually laid the appropriate item, and these revenues account for about 2% of the total budget. Promotes activity supervisors and that the majority of Belarusians are not aware of their rights and responsibilities. If the company several times a month there are a variety of auditors and find violations where there are none, the director of the company amor is likely to be afraid to challenge their actions in court and try to discourage controllers using bribes. This, according to O.Fadeeva not the best way to solve the problem, as a businessman automatically goes into even greater dependence on inspection to the same bribery in our country are punished severely. Yet often safer to consult an experienced lawyer and do not be afraid to assert their rights in court. Such advice can be very relevant, since the beginning of 2001 a law "to prevent legalization of illegally obtained." This may cause even greater vigilance on the part of the auditors in relation to business. Julia Sharova Radio The radio

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