Sunday, October 19, 2014

2014 (30) March (1) February (10) January (19) 2013 (75) December (7) November (6)

The measurement of flow rate and pressure in a straight pipe. Airflow is measured in a straight pipe with orifice, rotameter with floats and rheometer with a capillary and diaphragm. The pressure in the pipe level at which air flows measured by the U-gauge, with Prandtl and venturi with a U-manometer. The measurement of flow rate and pressure of the gas in the tube is possible with these obstacles by the pipe. The air may be dry, meaning that it does not present the water moisture, it may, however, this is present and taken into account in the calculation. Also important is the percentage composition of the air, which consists primarily of nitrogen and oxygen. Polarography. Polarography is the most important Voltammetric method, which determines the low concentration of the analyte by measuring the diffusion muse current. The diffusion flux is the difference between a limit and residual current. Chemical muse nature of the analyte determines the half wave potential. The choice of supporting electrolyte is important because it can and must reduce its impact muse migration and capacitive muse current, together with diffusion, muse convection, the catalytic current. Carrier muse concentration of the analyte must therefore be at least 20-fold higher than the concentration of the analyte. The relationship between diffusion current and concentration of the analyte determines Ilkoviceva equation. Measurement of the temperature. The temperature was measured by Hg-thermometers, alcohol thermometers accurately measured in a certain temperature interval with a Beckmann thermometer. Further separated according to the temperature range Pt-resistance thermometer, Cu-resistance thermometer, thermistor and thermocouple. Distinguish the gas thermometers and pyrometers. When resistance thermometers is a relationship between the measured impedance and calculated temperature. This relationship is usually not linear, especially in the thermistor, which is a logarithmic muse relationship between muse the measured resistance and temperature, which appears in this equation. The same is true for the thermocouple, which operates on the contact of two different metals. If the temperature is greater than one contact temperature of another contact, the thermocouple seep flow and measure the thermopower muse with a voltmeter. The temperature is then computed from certain associations. Pyrometers. Consideration should be given Wien displacement law, which is the product of temperature and the corresponding wavelength is constant, equal to the Wien's constant. Theoretically, the measured temperature blackbody, but practically gray body. The slope of the glass electrode. The combined glass electrode consists of a glass membrane, but on the inside of the reference electrode with a solution of hydrogen cations. The glass electrode has a lot of internal muse resistance, so measure the potential muse generated on the surface of the glass membrane with tube voltmeter. It works on the principle of exchange of cations on the glass membrane. Important is the slope of the glass electrode, which represents the dependence of the measured potential of the pH. The graph is obtained by umerjenjem glass electrode with the help of various buffers at a constant temperature. The slope of the line obtained muse by calibrating the slope of the glass electrode at a given temperature. We distinguish between alkaline and acid error when the pH is greater than 12, or less than 2, where the link between the potential and the pH is no longer linear. The relationship between E and the pH of the actual (derived experimentally), slope, slope of the glass electrode. Acidity, as shown by the pH meter is the ratio between muse the actual and theoretical slope of the glass electrode. Any such function is defined solved by using derivatives. Does this mean that we need at least the first derivative, much more accurate is the second derivative (draw graphs), and the second outlet, they function intersects the axis of the iso-point (ie y = 0).
2014 (30) March (1) February (10) January (19) 2013 (75) December (7) November (6) October (6) September (10) August (10) July (16) June (15) May (1) April (4) 2012 (3) May (1) February (2) 2011 (159) August muse (3) July (1) June (11) May (31) April (29) March (18) February (34) January (32) 2010 (135) December (32) November (17) October (10) Glacier Pisnica volcano Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion earthquake near Jesenice Instrumental methods Probability temperature and pressure in the Earth's muse plate tectonics Mining and halkozin higher mathematics September (27) August (26) July (23)

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