Sunday's Oscars had ugly prelude: near where the Academy passed their annual awards, held a demonstration VFX studio Rhythm & Hue. Just a few days ago, the studio declared bankruptcy and animators and other tricks magicians ended up on the pavement. Paradoxically, their work - the film Pi and his life - for the animation scene won an Oscar.
On the VFX (short for visual effects) stage it boil for some time. Aftermath of the economic crisis created inadvertently synergistic effect with the general decline of Finance in the film industry, slevněním technologies needed to create high-quality visual effects and geopolitical conditions (cheap labor in Asia and filmmaking incentives, radio 1 such as in Canada or the EU). The result? Huge competition and pressure on price, performance and workload. And the ruins of phase studies and layoffs. radio 1
Angry filmmaker further rile also director Ang Lee, under whose baton just Pi and his life originated. He said that "it would be like if there were effects not spend much, but it is clear that all the locomotives worth something." Too bad that at that moment stood on stage one of the studio Rhythm & Hue - of which could be a very interesting debate. The angry digital wizards that was too much. In addition to assault on social networks began to emerge also very popular collage on the theme of "how it would look if it were not VFX films." One such example shown in this article.
That was only the beginning. The emergence of trade unions in this industry radio 1 speak for a long time. In some ways VFX people have been right after all - a lot of money that they earn films, remains in the pockets of production radio 1 companies and filmmakers of that much gone. And artists are also right in the fact that studies in LA can hardly compete radio 1 on price studies to be in Montreal (that's not so far), when Canadians can afford thanks to government subsidies the price of labor to sell a few tens of percent lower. And, of course, not talking about small European studies and Asia would not even allow mention.
With certain things they will have to reconcile the VFX wizards. They themselves often like to talk about the "inhumane conditions" in which they must operate, for example, that employees sometimes have to study and work 14-16 hours a day, 7 days a week. Who ever prosecuted deadline for really big project knows that it bursts is basically standard. Hours of work mattepaintera in India also affect - and if it is studio quality, can be in the Internet age, figuratively speaking of LA closer to Delhi than from LA to San Francisco. And we do not stop progress - powerful computers are becoming increasingly radio 1 cheaper and more accessible for new and next-generation VFX artists.
Launch VFX departments, radio 1 which this week ushered field representatives repeatedly, leading ideally radio 1 to the fact that the production yields of their profits in favor of VFX studios. The money will obviously be missing somewhere else, so again someone from the movie business sucks that he reduced budgets. If someone very hypothetically persuade their senators and long-term political process also introduce financial incentives, the money will again be missing somewhere else. Producers will most likely get mad and will further outsource proven beyond VFX studios. The problem is the fact that they grew up competition, which fights the only meaningful: the price of same quality.
No incentives VFX artists situation is resolved. And no bailouts, bans outsourcing outside the U.S., and the creation of specialized departments certainly not. Reality must be understood and accepted - and either move the field forward, or to accept the situation. We call it negative consequences of globalization - or you can call progress. I am an incorrigible optimist radio 1 and vote for progress.
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