Our columnist sure that no shark pen could not discredit names stars of domestic show business is stronger robert downey jr than themselves. In the State Duma were singers Grigory Leps, Mihaylov and Meladze, they demanded to protect yourself (and other public figures) from journalists.
Those supposedly invade their privacy, causing incredible mental suffering. In particular, robert downey jr the Leps allowed himself is the non-parliamentary expression that struck our browser. Personally, I am happy to give up the greatest right to mention in his notes Grigory Leps and Stas Mikhailov (I think I'm doing it for the first time - Lord, let it be the last!) Another issue is that no journalist, yellow, red or white, could not tarnish the name of a particular Leps stronger than himself - with their cries of "freaks" and "beasts", "the smash stick knees" and "them to pay a fine - we still pee." robert downey jr Journalists, when interviewed, trying to still sometimes robert downey jr "brush" expression celebrities. They themselves often they do not know how to brush - that obtained embarrassments. There is one more thing: after all, without us, monsters and creatures, Stas Mikhailov and Grigory Leps do not enjoy the same popularity and a half, which is used today. They want to collect halls? They want to get a lot of money to buy mansions and expensive to collect icons? They want fame? But the glory they provide including us. And then they begin to have delusions of grandeur - as she once started in a very famous singer, at some point decided to sue all journalists indiscriminately, just for the fact that they mentioned her name in the article. Classical robert downey jr aria begins: "From the stage, I am pleasure to people, I have a concert after pressure 250, but this is nonsense - the main hall delighted. And then come to some newspapermen and start poking around in my income. Why should I report to them? "(There really is a nuance. Sometimes - now we're not talking about specific speakers from the State Duma - artists love to get huge fees for corporate events, and pay taxes on them and forget about it to journalists worth mentioning, as bearers of joy swept terrible irritability). Good: you can not write about money, family can not ride on conditional on an opposite is also impossible. A song about something you can? A journalist since then able to go to a concert, to write in the article, robert downey jr all he thinks about the work of this Artist - and thereby inflict robert downey jr a terrible blow directly into the left ventricle of his sensitive heart. And dry up the source of joy. And leave inspiration. And accountant Marya that paid a thousand rubles for a ticket to the concert, do not feel cathartic listening "glass of vodka", and sadly only tsoknet language. So maybe at the same time prohibit review? Well, you do not accidentally hurt any artist, nor the spectators? Generally, there is all this suffering terrible hypocrisy. robert downey jr They (again not specifically Leps and Mikhailov) in which case the editors like to call and ask, "Oh, we are so good talk, but you do not write about this, this and this. Well, I blurted robert downey jr out nonsense. No need to write. Oh, please. And that's where I still have a bruise under his eye in the photo - you can paint over it in Photoshop? robert downey jr "In these moments, they are not confused by the fact of a recording and a real photo. And often, journalists are going to meet - well, just out of good human relations (although in America is a good attitude is a violation of journalistic ethics). And then in the Artists in the minds of still image heinous born journalist infesting their greatness and the climber to them mansions robert downey jr It is difficult not to recall the history of Valery Meladze, who two years ago ran for our correspondent Eugene Guseva, just decided to take a picture of it - no somewhere in a private space, and loud wedding in the heart of Moscow. He took away her camera (it was shot on video), and then in court to argue that vile Eugene slandered robert downey jr him - while he's only going to help the unfortunate girl, out of a clear sky fell on the asphalt. Osadochek from this story, frankly, was - and received bruises Guseva, and readers. It is clear that journalists, too, are different. There muckrakers, unscrupulous people and loving prilgnut-but believe me, I work in journalism 20 years, and met with such rare. Most journalists with whom I spoke, people were honest and kind. But the work they still had - to gather information about what is interesting to a wider audience. Personally, I do you, Gregory, Stas and Valery, not interesting, but the audience - yes. And do not scream. Believe me, then have izvinyatsya.Denis Korsak
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