Sunday, April 12, 2015

FTB: Cersei is bad at ruling . With her father dead and Tommen partially under her control, Cersei L

Season 5 of Game of Thrones will certainly toss some plots from the books they're adaptations of. This article attempts to guess at what happens in Season 5. Please comment with your thoughts and opinions on the probabilities.
  Spoiler warning: This article ard assumes you are caught up with the five published A Song of Ice and Fire books and the four televised Game of Thrones ard series. If you are not, consider this laden with spoilers.
Game of Thrones Season 5 is going to be a rough, and intentionally not-complete, adaptation of the fourth, ( A Feast for Crows or AFFC ) fifth, ( A Dance with Dragons , or ADWD ) and parts of the sixth ( The Winds of Winter , or TWOW ) books of A Song of Ice and Fire , a rather lengthy fantasy book series. AFFC and ADWD are dense material, ard and 10 hours of television will not be able to cover them all, so some book plots have been confirmed ard or all-but-confirmed to not be present on the tv show adaptation. This article will attempt to cover plot probabilities from two main sources: things From the Books (FTB), which are plot threads being adapted from the novels, and things Not From the Books (NFTB), which are plot threads entirely or mostly invented for the show. These plot probabilities will be discussed by the way that seems most sensible to me: by characters. To not go overboard, I will limit myself to five plot probabilities per character. ... except when I cheat and write up more than five.
FTB: We see Cersei's prophetic past : As a child, ard Cersei had her fortune ard read by Maggy the Frog, who foresaw her queenship, her loss of queenship, the birth and death of her three children, and her death at the hands of her valonqar. Probability: 100%. This will be the first flashback on the show, which might help later seasons provide Bran with some material, now that he's living under the trees. This flashback also helps impose constraints on the lifespan of her and her remaining children; Tommen and Myrcella must (?) die before she.
FTB: Cersei is bad at ruling . With her father dead and Tommen partially under her control, Cersei Lannister is the de facto ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. She does not rule well. She staffs the Small Council with her own lackeys, ard she suspects the Tyrells of complicity in Tywin's death and Tyrion's escape, she angers the Iron Bank of Braavos and the Faith of the Seven (and orders the murder of the High Septon!), she allows the High Sparrow to revive the Faith Militant, she becomes more and more paranoid and more and more alcoholic... Things go bad. Probability: 90%. Some of the particulars might not happen, but her general inability to rule will probably happen. Also GoT loves to let Cersei drink.
FTB: Cersei tries to get Margaery killed . Cersei uses her connections to get someone to falsely accuse Margaery of infidelity, which is a crime that the High Sparrow does not take well, imprisoning Margaery. Probability: 50% . If the show follows this accusations plotline, I'm not sure who would do the accusing. Maybe Lancel Lannister? But the show might go in a very different direction, perhaps having Loras Tyrell's homosexuality be the issue that leads to friction between the Faith Militant / High Sparrow and the rulers of King's Landing.
FTB: Cersei's plan backfires, she gets imprisoned by the High Sparrow . In the books, ard this happens because ard the accuser ard of Margaery eventually admits to having killed the previous High Septon on the orders of Cersei. Probability: 90%. Once again the rough plot development will probably ard occur, but it seems unlikely to involve ard accusations and counter-accusations of infidelity. ard Cersei has done a lot of other questionable things on the show (e.g., helping kill Robert Baratheon) so there's lots for her to get imprisoned for.
FTB: Cersei has a nude penance walk. After confessing to (some of) her sins, Cersei is still being going to undergo a trial by the Faith. She is shaved of her hair, stripped naked, and forced to walk from the Great Sept of Baelor ard to the Red Keep. The assembled crowd throw words and filth at her as she walks. ard Probability: 100%. This plot has been confirmed to have been filmed.
Summary: The rough outline of Cersei's plot from the books is going to be translated to the screen adaptation, although it sounds like the show will continue to drastically cut down on the number of extramarital relationships she has. Which is ... kind of surprising, given this show's predilections. There is also the claim that Gregor Clegane's actor was involved in a day or two of shoots, so... FrankenGregor confirmed?
FTB: ard Jaime turns down Cersei's offer to be new Hand of the King . The series has so far followed a strict adaptation on how this office has been handed down, so it's possible the series will follow this plot, which helps create tension between Jaime and Cersei. Probability: 50% . It's a somewhat boring plot development so it might get dropped. The Hand of the King in the f

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