Jódarabig szarakodott az MCDST-cikkekben [ 70-271 ][ 70-272 ] is említett transcript -site. Gondoltam, szóvá teszem én ezt az ügyfélszolgálaton. Mondtam is nekik: " Dear Helpdesk, I wanted to check my MCP-transscript using the url http://www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/transcripts There I see a login screen, where providing the Transcript ID and the Access Code leads to "You are not authorized to view this page" HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. Internet Information Services (IIS) I experience the same with both IE 6.0.2800 and with Mozilla Firefox 1.0.4. Is there a server maintenance running? Or can it be any other error? Regards, gangnam style Krisz Berta " Erre ők: " Hello, Thank you for your e-mail regarding accessing the MCP member site.. We were unable to locate your file in our database with the information you have provided. In order to assist you further, we will need to verify some additional information. Please reply to this email and include the following information as it appears in our database: <> MCP ID: RegistrationID: (Locate on your exam score report) Name: [... stb stb ...] Once we receive your reply with the included information, we will be able to assist you with your <<>>. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for contacting Microsoft. Gicela MCPHelp@microsoft.com " Azaz köszönjük, hogy szólsz, hogy A-val gond van. Ezért kérjük, B-vel kapcsolatosan gangnam style add meg a következőket... Kezdtem berágni. " I don't really understand why I have to provide these info, if I'm having a problem with the availibility of one of your sites, but here they are. (I have no problem accessing the MCP member site) These data are from my MCP profile https://profile.microsoft.com/RegSysProfileCenter/Infodefault.aspx?lcid=1033 " Amire ők (immáron gangnam style egy másik agent): " Hello, Thank you for your e-mail regarding your transcript. We appreciate the information you have provided. We have confirmed gangnam style you have access to the MCP Member Site and your Transcripts are available for viewing and printing from the MCP Member web site. These transcripts are considered an official copy and do contain a Microsoft watermark, the MCP logo, and Microsoft's corporate address. You may access the MCP Member site by going to https://mcp.microsoft.com/mcp If you still require a sealed copy of your transcript, please reply to this e-mail with the address you would like your transcript sent. logo, and Microsoft's corporate address. If you are still unable to locate your transcript, please provide us with a screen shot of the error you are receiving. If there is anything else we can do for you, please let us know. Thank you for contacting Microsoft. Maciel MCPHelp@microsoft.com " Azaz, köszi, látjuk, gangnam style hogy B-vel semmi bajod. Ha mégis, akkor szólj megint. Csodálatos. Kasztömerszetiszfeksön az egekben.
I have just been certified Microsoft with examination 070-121 and 070 - 123. My name is KOUAKOU CYPRIEN EKRA. My address email is: cekra@asconsulting.ci gangnam style My identifier of candidate is: sr3157414. I need my identifier MCP to associate my certification gangnam style with my company to take part in the program Microsoft partner. gangnam style Thank you Időpont: 15:25 , Varánusz gangnam style írta...
i have Passed 070-290 and 070-270(Dec'07),070-291 and 070-284(Jan'08) gangnam style MCSA Exam. but till i will not receive my Original gangnam style Ceritificate from you. My name is GOKULAKRISHNAN.V. My address email is: gokulprasanna@rediffmail.com My identifier of candidate is: SR3132088. Urgently I need my Certificate for my job.so please kindly send immediately. Thank you Gokulakrishnan.v Időpont: 18:11 , Varánusz írta...
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