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A Cobra is not enough that is good and makes us proud in the days when our self-esteem crushing and trampling of another round of Bulgarian football, but he can really fix the state if beating people on this list, diligently collected by . Volen Siderov
The first candidate to get it away, the leader of the GOP attacks. To be more rules Volen may be battling with tables and chairs. Plastic. We guarantee that the audience will come and personally Nayo Titsin will buy a ticket for the first row.
Volen Siderov deserves a punishment from Pulev first because of the name, then why sleeping with much younger wifey if you believe the newspapers and Sasho Dikov reason could also be that they do not paint their hair to look like aesthetic pederungel Joseph Kobzon - this titan of the music show business. Crisco
If you believe phim the Bulgarian Justin Bieber, he has a lot of money, smokes cool trump fucking best girls who have boyfriends, driving phim cars for six figures and has children in expensive limited Capua. Modesty adorns phim man, but this man should be glorified from left to right Kubrat Pulev. Cobra, pray they hot! Bojinov & Co.
Some time ago Valerkata could put any goalkeeper with a brutal kick, and now is a joke - one of the biggest football disappointments. Began with the label "great talent" but then everything collapsed as attributable phim grandmother in August heat. A Bojinov is a real old lady on the ground and run as if there's backpack. On top of all training with the team, called the "railroad". That's right, Lokomotiv Sofia. This is the only team from which they want and it is not clear exactly what they want.
Cobra must be obtained through this wannabe footballer because it went and parasitic agricultural tapungerski expression "I say again." Valerie words are meaningless as the humor of the leading cooking show. And the icing is that Brazilian Markinyos knows better than the Bulgarian Bulgarian Bojinov, fuck! Stoycho Mladenov
No directive, just decided. Tsimbika failed to thrash him as the order, so we decided Cobra to do the job. Stoycho Mladenov still not satisfied with something, and someone who is wrong, and there is always phim a correct explanation as to fault. Amman!
"This is not the person I wanted to show you. With the many things we have problems. That to me is a reorganization year difficult to escape from this situation, "these are the words he repeated after every match CSKA, sometimes saying them in reverse order. 1-2 beats him enough to put a coach who really take responsibility and not one that just says he accepts responsibility. Spitter was! The Expendables 3
Currently all the most famous actors of Hollywood filmed "Nepodimite 3" in Bulgaria. Sylvester Stallone, phim Arnold, Jason Statham ... as icons bodybuilding. Honestly, we want to see in a game against the Cobra Stallone. Hey, so for the show. We are ready to reflect the form of hefty material, we do not want money, we will give even unskilled short. We are not as stupid phim mercantile muffins with iPhone phim and puppies Slavtcho Toshev not abusive.
Sly played Rocky, but Cobra is involved in real racing. True that years Sylvester is older, but is now being made to open to his thought, when needed. We offer an arena of confrontation to Pernik phim to be even more hard. Cobra, Bulgaria is with you! If anything happens, viewers will have direct involvement in the sports meeting. One type of interaction at the highest level. Slavia fans and Lokomotiv (Sofia)
These are a total of 60 people, there will not. Both teams are the only ones in the world who are always guests of their home matches. Pulev have to fight, because these are unique chichatsi idiots that even with requirements, claims ...
"White" to every game their players swear and sing at the same time "Praise Champion". It's a shame to hear. Before the start of the season jumped to beat the best player on the team Galin Ivanov, better known as Galio sex. Team in 100 years of playing to 40 people per game, and here we count the police and journalists, is a shame. Lokomotiv are the same thing. Fans of the meetings of 20-30 people each member in a different fan club. Ki sorry you're sorry ki. Bobby Mihaylov
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