Saturday, October 25, 2014

GI contrast media into the positive contrast játékok agent members.

CT has advantages over MRI in that hospital. Huge majority will have to install a CT is used already in the exoskeleton. Having an MRI is much less common to a CT scan done faster and. It is cheaper than an MRI, but the most prominent disadvantage of CT is radiation. And injection modalities which can not be done in people who have problems with kidney function. Or a history of allergic
The CT is monochrome display is a shade of gray as the density of the tissue and the amount of x-ray that passed (Attenuation) the amount that the CT numbers and has a Housefield units (HUs), for example, Air =. -1000 HU, cortical bone = +3000 HU, water = 0 HU CT image, cut crosswise into thin sheets of body (Z-axis) data will be divided into small cubes (Voxels) (If only the x and. y is called a pixel is equal to 512 x 512), which is normal to want to see the smaller voxel detail is lost (volume averaging artifact) which if the images are accurate more so. to cut some more pictures, but it requires a greater dose CT, thin (thinner sections), although it had a picture with more detail. But the images that will look coarser than (grainy image) the image noise, which is caused by the amount of x-ray photon that does not reach the detectors, which can cause image noise reduction using radiation. Window width is greater scope to choose the desired width of the CT numbers which the computer displays the gray shades scope set at less than the CT number shall be white. The black, rather than selecting a narrow window width (50-400 HU) will make a difference in tissue density are not much better Window level is to identify whether any of the CT number. set of six shades of gray Typically set equal to tissue needs to look at how much the average chest CT attenuation number is the window width of 350 HU and a window level +30 HU to see structures játékok in the mediastinum, but not the details of the lung. You also need to set lung window width set width 1400 HU window level -600 HU to see if it is a major bone window width 1500 HU window level +305 HU and CT have been developed since the first version currently version játékok 4. (fan-shaped beam + complete circle detector array) to store data quickly (1sec / slide) and solve the problem. translational motion
Help of CT had a sensitivity and specificity greater. In emergency situations, the use of contrast agents is usually limited to the skin (PO) Garden (PR) injection játékok (IV), which is based on the selection of the clinical features of the patients. The prohibition of The opinion of the radiologist
GI contrast media into the positive contrast játékok agent members.

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