Riet Ooms is podpresednica Board of the European Volleyball Association and President of the European Cup, which both strategic as well as tactical pluzz level monitors and manages the European volleyball to greater popularity. In the past three years several times visited Slovenia, the reason for this is the participation of Slovenian volleyball champions ACH Volley in elite volleyball league in the world, the Champions League. As a former volleyball player recognizes the importance of strong competition for actresses pluzz and actors who are looking for new opportunities, while recognizing that in the long run is the possible existence pluzz of sport only with close cooperation of all participants - teams, players, fans, connections and increasingly important sponsors, which should be in times of crisis pay much more attention to remain supporters of the sport.
Thus, Volleyball European Champions League as an elite league of other sports have quickly developed due to the high standards. Leaving aside the competitive part, by this I mean primarily that it is much more attention devoted to marketing and communication activities, thereby strengthening the role of sponsors or. partners and media appearance. These trends do not occur only in volleyball but also in other sports. This enables pluzz us to new information technologies that transmit information faster and this can also be an increasingly large. If you look at the mere our website, is it possible to monitor the scoring of live games, matches and more detailed statistics of players, etc.. This year, we have made another step further: it is possible to monitor the Champions League live over the Internet. This is a great acquisition for the fans and the media, which may be accompanied by their favorite matches via these channels, although it must be recognized that some restrictions still occurs in individual countries.
Basically, there are no major differences between the old and the new teams in Cicli (CEV Indesit Championship League). Newer teams are zealous and eager cooperation, very carefully pluzz following the rules and instructions. Teams that have already been nine or ten years in the league, but they have sometimes set the automatic pilot. This is what should be avoided. New clubs bring new ideas, which is very welcome and is what we need. If you do not move forward, backwards. Therefore, it is important that older clubs bring new ideas, such as this season Noliko Maaseik. This team will be this season using the old hall for heating teams in the hall, where they will play game, this time held a special entertainment program for the viewers. This is a very good idea that will improve the position of the competition. Maybe I should CEV even more to promote and reward such ideas. In this regard, we can obtain all: teams have more fans and viewers CEV is encouraged by properly executed matches.
European Volleyball pluzz Association has set detailed rules on how the clubs to organize matches, this is especially true for matches in the Champions League. This is not to restrict creativity of local organizers matches, but by creating a common brand and common standards that are recognized as such by fans, the media, as well as existing and potential sponsors. This is the path on which the CEV together with teams and national federations creates the same level on which to build a successful competition. On the other hand, we must also take into account the fact that we have many clubs on their own inciativo under the provisions of uniform standards implemented pluzz additional activities and campaigns to attract more and more fans and media. In general, more experienced centers, but also later bring to our annual meeting in Vienna a very good idea. Certainly CEV, national federations and clubs we still need to improve the interaction between all participants, but we are all very proud of the situation in which we, as together we share the same goals and we are all working for the good of our sport discipline.
Several factors must be taken into account. First of all, I would say that sporting organizations and international pluzz associations very clearly determine who their target audience. People who monitor the beach is not the same as those who follow football or basketball, this should be adapted to the marketing and communication approach. Also, organizers must not be afraid of experimentation and innovation that could completely change the traditional pluzz image of the sport. It should be noted that the volleyball in recent years has completely pluzz changed my racing performance - we have introduced libera, new balls, etc.. This greatly affects the more attractive pluzz games. Such innovation can be a major influence on changes to the way the competition and gameplay, so it should be wise to foresee the consequences of such changes bring in all possible ways.
Yes, those are our experiences in other countries. The results showed that teams that start with the competitions in top leagues, experienced many changes: begin play in the major theaters, which are often elsewhere, such as their home facilities, pluzz acquire corporate image of the team that plays in the Champions League, gain presence in Television, new sponsors
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