Monday, November 11, 2013

Spirituality movie struck me as similarly terrible as the recent Eat, Pray, Love. Well, at least th

Indian in the prime of life on behalf of Pi Patel (it is explained that it is such a pun and defense against pranks on the actual name) sitting in his Canadian home and tells the kind of young writers, incredible adventures of my youth: If you had the whole family were transporting their zoo from India to the USA, the boat sank, and he had to spend several weeks on the boat, where he made only by hungry wild tiger. mangareader
Given that the whole story from the beginning of the film Ang Lee tells the mature, well-nourished Pi Patel, who has all his limbs and no large visible scars, it is clear that the film is not so much about whether the hero survives, but rather about what he was during that survival becomes. And above all, what he was thinking while. And this film somewhat (very) lame because when after about 40 minutes or less pleasant story about growing up in the zoo will spektakulárnímu shipwreck, followed by more than an hour almost no dialogue, just screaming (Patel) and grunts (Tiger). During this this time we should follow the development of the main character from a boy into a man and his spiritual development from a naive boy who is Christian, mangareader Muslim and Hindu at the same time, in a reasonable adult men, whom God, Allah and Vishnu together to save lives. While Patel body appropriately changing (really poor actor during filming considerably lost weight), the whole spiritual aspect of his journey (which should be the focus of the story) acts as a very trivial new age pamphlet that someone mangareader imposes on the subway. The book draft is the best way, but in the film there is a situation where the hero has a chance to get rid of forever wild tiger, which will be increasingly hungrier and hungrier, and that he had tried several times to eat. A place that will save him because "they see something in his eyes helpless." At this moment, I Ang Lee still far from convinced that the boy and the tiger began to emerge in any other relationship than the predator-prey mangareader relationship, therefore, to Me, when he was an asshole, not a young man at the beginning of enlightenment. And so on and so forth. The basic metaphor of the film (Tiger is the internal struggle heroes) is terribly trivial, and if it's someone nedocvaklo, at the end of the film follows the "great explanation" that is so incredibly and insensitively polopaticky shot that acts as something of Jara Cimrman. To make an analogy, imagine that at the end of Blade Runner Rachel said: "Hey, you sometimes key is common about unicorns, right? So if you do happen to wonder, is it because ..." And I could ask, "When the tiger symbolized Patel, who thus symbolized Patel?", But it was mounted about the universe ...
Spirituality movie struck me as similarly terrible as the recent Eat, Pray, Love. Well, at least the one I caught. She should probably be there more and be better explained, but the filmmakers really went wrong. Example of God (Christian) is in the film a total of about ten sentences and then suddenly, out of nowhere, REVELATION (including rozestoupivší light through mangareader the clouds). And none of it ... It's a shame, because the visual aspect of the film is very interesting, because of several mangareader reasons. Above: Some of the shots and sequences mangareader are breathtaking what Lee is doing with the camera. And a lot of them. Perhaps such a quarter of the film. Sinking ship in underwater scene, the light shines through the deep dumbfounded boy. The night sea full of phosphorescent jellyfish, as far as the eye can see. Level so calm that the water is not visible and the top and bottom is only sky ... Much of it is really worth it and you need to see in the cinema.
Second: It is one of those rare films where 3D is used unobtrusive manner while enriching cinematic experience. Sometimes even some animals jump from the classic movie format out (the film is still as wide, but one limb or whole fish at the moment appears below the bottom edge of the image, where the rest of the film is dark). Third: Tiger is almost entirely CGI had to be with him terrible work and it looks damn good. This has the disadvantage that when sometimes makes the second half something not entirely realistic, the illusion of a real animal is very easy to melt. I can not believe that the original book was so shallow as film. For example, the way it is resolved hero's true love for children, the film is utterly offensive and makes almost Patel bastard. It is therefore possible that if you know the book, the movie will work for you as an illustration of your favorite scenes. This is not my case. For me it's just a little more than incoherent mixture of stunning images. Actually, there is one very similar to film me now attacked: a strong bond of Peter Jackson. PS: I saw the film dubbed and it did not help him much. Characters sometimes speak Czech (Czech voice, voice-over artist) and sometimes French or other non-English language (his original voice actor), so you switch between two different sounding voices. This is sometimes Czech subtitles, where you can read things like "spice cirques." And when Pi Czech midst of the storm prays God, and things like that, it just sounds weird and probably not as impressive as it would

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