Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Gibanje po prireditvenem prostoru na lastno odgovornost!

I am love. I am passion. I am affection. I am warmth. I am trust. I am devotion. I am lust. I am intimacy. I am emotion. I am respect. I am fire. I am loyalty. I am heart. I am togetherness. I AM EROTICA –
V začetkih svojega delovanja je Metodi Hristovu uspelo phim izvesti serijo dogodkov in s tem pridobiti ljubitelje elektronske glasbe na bulgarskem trgu. Njegov unikaten stil je veliko več kot tradicionalni house ali techno. Obožuje phim eksperimentiranje z miksanjem različnih glasbenih stilov, kar povzroči izredno všečno kombinacijo. V zagonu na podlagi uspehov se je odločil naredti korak naprej – z lastno produkcijo. Trenutno izdaja za največje založbe in remiksira največje artiste, tako da njihov sound spremeni, da ustreza njegovem lastnem. phim Nekatere izmed omenjenih založb so tudi Suata, Bla Bla, Trapez, KD Music, Great Stuff, Witty Tunes in še mnogo več. Poleg tega, da so njegove izdaja med najbolj priljubljenimi na omenjenih založbah, uživa tudi podpora s strani MArco Carole, Richie Hawtina, Jorisa Voorna, Roger Sancheza, Jay Lumna, Pan-Pot in mnogih drugih. V zadnjih letih je že močno prerasel bulgarsko sceno in se preselil na svetovne odre, tokrat prvič tudi pri nas!
For a short period of time Metodi Hristov manage to do a series of events and thus being able to win the fans of electronic music on the Bulgarian market. His unique style is something much more than the traditional “house” or “techno” music. He love experimenting by mixing up different music styles, which result in an unexpectedly good combination. Being charged up by the success, he take the decision of moving on to the next level – producing music. He is currently producing for popular labels and remix popular artists, converting his music to fit his own style. A part of those label companies are Suara, Glasgow Underground, Bla Bla, Trapez, King Street Sounds, KD Music, Great Stuff Recordings, Witty Tunes, Kote Records, Sincopat, and many more. His productions are some of the most popular among above-mentioned labels. He is being supported by various world known artists like Marco Carola, Richie Hawtin, Joris Voorn, Roger Sanchez, Jay Lumen, Pan-Pot, and many more. In the last couple of year he has fully outgrown the bulgarian scene and has moved to worldwide stages, this time for the first time in Slovenia aswell!
Gibanje po prireditvenem prostoru na lastno odgovornost!

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