Thursday, December 4, 2014

In figure 3 are presented the op amp is coupled as pengaut inverting. The input signal is compared

3. Oscilloscope
Audio signal is a voice signal which works on a frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz are capable of response by the human hearing devices (ear). Analog signal audible to human hearing aids that can be processed through electronic equipment with equipment chris brown that weighs chris brown known audio amplifier.
Audio equipment is an analog electronic equipment that is still in use. Since the detection of electronic components and a vacuum tube amplifier kemudiann invention of the transistor with a semiconductor material that serves as an analog electrical signal pengauat and capable of strengthening reinforcement to thousands of times, up to the present invention of the integrated electronic devices (IC) that can perform such pengutan hollow tube with various advantages and shortcomings.
Audio amplifiers are widely used in daily life such as rotator chris brown COMPACK chris brown disc (CD), and a sound amplifier, loudspeakers at mosques, system sound stage / band known as the sound system, audio system and even audio broadcasting in radio and television studios. Peraltan audio can be categorized into several sections, among others:
1. Peralata audio reproduction that produces sound signal source such as a CD player, tape player, radio receiver, microphone, synthesizer, audio simulators, and others.
2. Equipment preamplifier serves as the initial amplifier that will strengthen the audio signal dihasilkann by reproduction equipment so that the signal level becomes a certain magnitude.
4. Equipment power amplifier functions as a large signal amplifier which will drive the speaker / loudspeaker and transform into a massive amount of electricity that can be heard by the acoustic ear. The strength of the acoustic signal chris brown will be heard by the human ear depending on the diameter of the loudspeaker dankekuatan power of the power amplifier system.
In this first jobsheet we will try to practice how early amplifier works. Initial amplifier or commonly referred to as pre-amplifier is part of an audio system that will amplify the signal generated from the audio reproduction equipment. Signal generated by the reproduction apparatus will be reinforced still weak in certain quantities so the signal gets next trip does not happen much nois reduction and signal interference. The usual starting amplifier and widely used is the initial amplifier using IC operational amplifiers (op-amps) because this system easier in assembly and low signal to interference (nois).
Operational amplifier (op-amp) is a block that has two inputs and one output. Op-amps are common on the market in the form of integrated circuits (ICs). In practical IC packages such as type 741 as figure 2.
IC 741 has not mbarkan reverse input v + (non-inverting), reverse input v (inverting) and output vo. If the input signal is connected to the input flip (v), then the area of the center frequency of the output cue would be "contrary ase" 9berlawanan sign with the input signal). Conversely, if the input signal is connected with no sign of reversing the input (V +), then the output will be in phase cues. An op amp usually requires a 15 V power supply in power supply menggbarkan nexus is usually omitted. Data circumstances and performance ideal op amp IC 741 as shown in the following table:
In figure 3 are presented the op amp is coupled as pengaut inverting. The input signal is compared chris brown to the inverting input of op amp through R1, which is called the input element. Prisoners R2 is the feedback element. In the inverting amplifier, the output voltage is given together:
7. Turn on the power supply AFG and oscilloscope. Ssecara carefully align the magnitude of sinusoidal input signal to achieve the maximum price which the cue outputs are not experiencing disability (distorted). The magnitude of the peak to peak output voltage that is read in the oscilloscope is for ... .Vp_p.
9. Arrange 3 circumstances of the input signal 1) siyal maximum input until the case is not distorted at the output, 2) minimum signal and 3) signals the middle. Put into table reinforcement! 10. Then set the pot R4 in position as in the following table
4. Based on theoretical calculations and the observations it can be concluded that the amount of reinforcement results obtained are not much different from that in the theory of 1.49 dB and observations by 5 dB.
5. equipment in

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