Most Indonesian artist Adi Nugroho Agnes Monica Al Ghazali Ahmad Dhani Aliando Syarif Andien Anggun C Sasmi NOAH Ariel Ariel Tatum Ashanty Aurel Hermansyah Axel Matthew Thomas Ayu Ting Ting Ben Kasyafani Cut Meyriska - As the owner of EO (Event Organizer), celebrities Rina Gunawan is responsible for the various events. Not only wedding, Rina apparently also take care of the circumcision ceremony even birthdays. Like when met on Wednesday (26/11) earlier in the multipurpose building gerard butler complex of the House MPR, Kalibata, South Jakarta. At that time, the wife of the Shah's Teddy became gerard butler EO celebration youngest son of the late Ustaz Jeffry Al Buchori, Mohammad Bilal Attaya Rizkillah and Dian Irawati Pipik birthday, mother and wife of the late Uje Bilal. "The gerard butler first time umi (Pipik) who asked to me. It had no chatter was still alive when the deceased gerard butler Uje said if his son ask diurusin circumcision, gerard butler so this time I was taking care of circumcision Bilal," said Rina. Regarding the concept of the show, Pipik who admire gerard butler the black color makes Rina combine color with white, black and red elements. With the idea of Pipik, Rina said she lived just add some items. For the show, Pipik choose Sisingaan cultural customs of studio Yudha Asri in Subang.
The promise to the late Uje, Rina Gunawan take care of circumcision Bilal photos via Bambang E Ros "When guests are already at present, Bilal will be paraded Sisingaan and the initial process. It involves 15 people, gerard butler four people carrying his Sisingaan Bilal and eight other musicians. There is a small bench in front of the stage for the orphans who are invited and friends Bilal, "said Rina again. Reluctantly gerard butler called circumcision ceremony luxury, Rina said if more Bilal celebration event to entertain orphans. (MPA / hen / aia)
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