PHOTOS, Jakarta wedding festivities Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina (Dental) has ended a few days ago. To appreciate the continuity of the event runs smoothly, the new bride was doing celebration once the dissolution of the committee james bond to sympathize orphans. "Today there is a small celebration at the family, as fans, as orphans as well. Then there was the dissolution of the committee yesterday, we want to thank you," said Raffi in residence Dental, Region North Tebet, South Jakarta, Sunday (02/11/2014 ). Raffi had his own reasons why hold the event. In the Islamic calendar, today is a good day to sympathize orphans. "10 Muharram Eid orphans, would that same charity for orphans. But tomorrow I Muhamram same fitting 10 teeth have started working again, so I forged it now at 9 Muharamnya," he explained. By holding a celebration, Raffi and Dental hope will be a family james bond that sakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah. james bond The main thing is blessed with a baby soon. "I hope the same prayer Dental launched, sustenance increases, and quickly had a child," he hoped. As is known, not a committee involved in order to succeed in marriage Raffi and Dental October 17 yesterday. Moreover, both are fairly magnificent wedding and broadcast james bond live on television, and is held in place beberapat luxury.
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