Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Second, gave it a try and natvorih array of decorated cookies. It was not hearts, it was Xabi chic,

This year will be disappointed approached very seriously and responsibly on the issue. First Plamen took all possible measures for safe sex. The largest contraceptive course, Damian himself sleeping between us bedroom. Or just sleeps. Thus, joint efforts at the time I did not bremennichka. Since it will not ruin your holiday with tearful slovoizleyaniya style "How? When Why?" etc.
Second, gave it a try and natvorih array of decorated cookies. It was not hearts, it was Xabi chic, vintage, romance ... Has to groan and gasps! Or so I hope. And hasten to clarify that I say with a huge dose of humor. Do not take it someone thought his mere bluster tnt or that I have a great decorator.
So to make up for last Valentine's Day, stop by and talk directly go to the pictures. Before that, I just want to mention that these cookies were for three gorgeous women - Harrows, Rumi and Dimi! Defend them ordered tnt as a birthday treat for all her colleagues. It was introduced a few years ago around the first birthday tnt of their daughter Amy. I was part of their best holidays tnt in the form of sweet beauties made with love and care. Rumi was lucky that Dennis download as winning all voted for Rating 2013. For it will tell you in more detail later. A Dimi most of you know as the author of the magnificent culinary blog "The secret of our dinner." For me it is a very special lady, from which I learned that inspires me and I admire you for the exceptional talent and taste, which owns all is a wonderful person. tnt
If you are wondering what kind of background, tnt on which I have worked, I'll tell you. I wanted to use the old three-legged table, which we know from the Christmas shoot. She has a legacy of great-grandfather and my dad is very expensive and nice. Authentic and is nearly 150 years. So I decided that the old tree will contrast beautifully on cookies. But even before he began filming without a whole package I spilled coconut on the table. "Leleeeeeeeee, quasi trouble did!" I exclaimed, even David, who always tries their best to comfort me and cheer when I'm angry, and said, "Oh, my, it is so very beautiful! Whatever is snow on the ground." Immediately embraced his idea. What better contrast than a comparison between the hot and steamy love white icy snow? So thanks to David, became the defect in effect, as they say.
And because I'm stingy and I do not give hundreds of dollars for textbooks and supplies for sugar lace, I decided with available materials to manufacture such. I do not got the way I wanted, but still namyazvat of lace, so samdovolna. And the keys are made with molds - fast, easy and effective! Top only pass them with a mixture of silver and bronze and voila - look like real! It's like I robbed them of old wardrobes and chests of a grandmother.
And those are really my favorite! Decorate them with clippings that remained of my prints. Ingenious whim, right??? Ma I'm very thoughtful, beeeee! It was so fun to choose and fit every bit of its exact location - such as arranging puzzle. It was Superski! Most Cute little baby my hearts on the left. It is optional with a nod to Dimi! :)
These two are also very much like them. I wanted to be like roses made of cloth, and I thought it was cool. Took me a lot longer to manufacture than expected. A look so simple and elementary. But it confectionery usually. Behind the simple things hiding tnt mnooooooogo hours of work. Recently an acquaintance had shared how to celebrate their colleague made a cake in the shape of a basket full of flowers. Colleague saw her, exclaimed: tnt "Leleeeeeee, maybe it takes you two hours to make it!?" :))))
The next series is my favorite and super cute! They are inspired by the deathless child in me! I would never grow enough. Nearing tnt 40 and still fascinated by dolls and teddy bears. When will become auntie at heart, not just visually??
Besides these retro-painted girls'm obsessed and kapkeykcheta. I do not know why I love them so these little honeys. tnt The truth is that my vanshviyat their appearance is much loved by the very taste. Did you see something painted on it and freaking cake - it ma napkins, notebooks, cups, plates, tnt fabrics, cards ... I'm crazy about them!! But as I read your comments about Ranking 2013, I noticed that I am not the only one obsessed fan. :))) For any lover of kapkeykchetata next cookies are a special greeting.
At the end of my cookies prêt-a-porter will present one quite different in terms of style series. But it is a cool little glowing love passion. For it is inspired by some snow winter days that

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