Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Watching with interest the development of large-scale police operation launched with fanfare by the

Watching with interest the development of large-scale police operation launched with fanfare by the interior minister. At least in words, it must allow a very old and persistent problem - absolutely unpunished petty crime outside the big cities that inside them. This is not the first visible operation of the ministry even present ministry in some ways looks amateurish compared to what we've seen from some of the gifted director, the producers with epaulets.
But my problem exists and is considerably older than democracy. Agriculture imotche our family has also been the subject test of repeated attacks, test the last time that I know because no valuables were stolen a package of frozen meatballs from the refrigerator and a large bottle of Coke.
Read endearing scenes of the action of the "Santa Yotso watch" test for villages where no man has gone before policeman decades (read the full story, it is worth). What Is the impact of these scattered money, we get a law that even an inflated price?
Now let's see what happens on the side of the citizens, especially from those who are vulnerable. I call Anastas Vangeli, my friend blogger from Macedonia, who has long lived in China and recently had to travel to Germany (original English text here):
"Robbed by Bulgarian policemen This story should serve as informal indications of a close encounter with law enforcement authorities in Sofia (with" Police ") is incident at a time of significant police test presence throughout the territory of Bulgaria, something of a PR campaign. Anyway, this happened on Sunday on February 9th 2014., About five in the morning, the central bus station of the city. I had just arrived by bus from Skopje as my destination airport had to be "Sofia" (usually fly in Sofia). I was very tired because I was pressured by deadlines writing a methodological guidance to my eventual thesis. As soon as I arrived at the bus station, I was approached two police officers and two tall and physically imposing, and in addition they both military haircuts. Before I had talked with another young man and seemed as if provezhat an operation. They wore heavy armor with them - weapons and batons at least (I can not be sure exactly what wore, but their belts hung many things). test There was a specific reason why you came, I just walked to the exit of the bus station. I immediately asked for personal documents and asked me where I came from and where I am going. "Macedonian, huh?" "At the airport, huh?" "Student, huh?" "Often fly in Sofia, test huh?" Then continued with what they called "routine" and "nothing to worry about." Obeyed test is since I decided test that since it is occurring in a public place, it is in the order of things. However, I was taken to the nearby room that looked like an abandoned shop or mostly former post office or currency exchange, judging test by the interior. Yes, but there was no visibility and we were just me and the two policemen. I realized that I screwed up, but I still hope that all will end normally. Now I see that I was naive, test but two thoughts ran through my mind: a) this is Sofia, and not some remote location b) it happens test in an EU country, so there are probably some explanation. I tried to question the reasons and legality test of the whole procedure, but there was no response. The answers began to get rough type of "doubt in the law right?" "In our integrity you doubt." I was told to empty his pockets, while one of the officers took my luggage, opened it and began rummaging among my belongings. They said I looked suspicious and seek drugs. At this point, I must say, I belong test to a customs / anti-smuggling department. It seems that "security police" means something like - "combating crime, protection test of public order and prevention of crime." In the moment one of them dug into my wallet and pull things from the inside, I jumped and pulled portfolio from his hands, making them identify themselves. But they did not. Instead, began to comment my stuff, my books, things related to China, which has caused them to conclude that I am "guy test who travels a lot." Then pulled out a stack of Macedonian cigarettes containing several boxes. I got them from Macedonia for my friend test - I do not even smoke. Only that cigarettes gave them a reason to me "hold" as they put it. Moreover, they said I looked like a smuggler and suspect that my intentions test to resell cigarettes "in the European Union." Also zayadoha a bag with drugs - always store the le

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